Featured – Power Up Electric https://powerupelectricsrq.com Old Fashioned Electritian Service combined with Cutting-Edge Technologie Wed, 12 Apr 2023 17:25:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.4 Is Your Electrical Panel Endangering Your Property? https://powerupelectricsrq.com/2021/04/12/is-your-electrical-panel-endangering-your-property/ Mon, 12 Apr 2021 15:04:13 +0000 https://powerupelectricsrq.com/?p=194 […]]]> Your property’s electrical panel (often called a circuit breaker panel) is a critical safety feature that needs to be operating at peak condition at all times. A faulty electrical panel leaves your property at risk for fires resulting from circuit overload, short circuits, and power surges.

If your panel is faulty or failing, it will usually give you some hints, which we’ll cover below. Additionally, we will discuss some outdated, unsafe brands of panels that can also put your property at risk.

Warning signs of a faulty electrical panel

The breakers trip frequently or won’t stay reset

Each of your circuit breakers has a corresponding electrical circuit on your property. If a circuit breaker detects that its circuit is drawing too much power (circuit overload), the breaker is supposed to “trip” and cut off the power.

However, if a circuit breaker trips almost like clockwork whenever you use a particular appliance, the switch may be worn and failing. If you need to continually reset your breaker because it won’t stay put, that’s another red flag. Don’t wait to contact our electricians to examine the problem.

The panel gives off a burning smell

This one is another major red flag. If you detect a burning odor around your electrical panel, the wires are likely overheating. Shut off the power IMMEDIATELY to prevent a fire or any other electrical issues. Next, call our electricians to inspect your panel.

Dangerous electrical panels

Some brands and types of panels have a track record of being unsafe and failing without warning. If any of the following panels are still in operation on your property, it’s a good idea to get a replacement as soon as possible.

Federal pacific electric (FPE) Stab-Lok

Federal Pacific Electric Stab-Lok panels were never officially recalled, but they’ve been almost universally condemned by electricians and home inspectors alike. During tests conducted by electrical experts in the 1980s, 51% of the breakers failed to trip. One of these experts, an electrical engineer named Jesse Aronstein, co-wrote a paper with Richard Lowry to publish his findings from numerous fire reports. By Aronstein and Lowry’s estimate, FPE Stab-Lok panel failures are responsible for as many as 2,800 fires and 13 deaths every year.

You can usually tell if you own a Federal Pacific Stab-Lok panel by how it looks. In between the breakers, you’ll see the name Stab-Lok, and the breakers will have red tips.

Zinsco and Sylvania

Most Zinsco panels were installed in the 1970s, and the good news is that these are obsolete nowadays. When significant and dangerous design issues were discovered, people stopped buying these panels. Unfortunately, though, the Zinsco panels that were already purchased were installed anyway.

Sylvania panels have the same issues as Zinsco panels because they are almost the same product. Sylvania bought out Zinsco and made no significant changes to the design apart from replacing the logo.

Similar to FPE Stab-Lok panels, a Zinsco or Sylvania panel can work fine for years. However, higher energy demands can cause the panel to overheat and even make the breakers melt. If a breaker melts to the panel’s bus bar, then the breaker can no longer trip when needed. That means that if a massive surge of outside electrical power were to flow into your property’s panel and circuits, nothing would be there to cut the power. This could result in the wires melting and the panel overheating and, in turn, causing a fire.

If you own a Zinsco or Sylvania panel, it should have a label with the brand name, and its circuit breaker switches will be red, green, and blue.

Concerned about your property’s electric panel?

At Luminous Electric, our electricians are extensively trained to understand the complexities of panels and circuit breakers. When you hire our team, you can count on trustworthy and friendly technicians, honest, upfront pricing, and 3-year parts and labor warranties. Give us a call today or contact us online.


Hurricane Preparedness https://powerupelectricsrq.com/2021/04/12/hurricane-preparedness/ Mon, 12 Apr 2021 14:53:42 +0000 https://powerupelectricsrq.com/?p=191 […]]]> Hurricane Generators for the Season

A Hurricane generator can prepare you for the Florida hurricane season, which is June 1st through November 30th. Hurricanes cause wind, heavy rain, storms, and flooding. These conditions can wreak havoc on the utilities in your home or business. To maintain power during this season, preparation is important.

Hurricane Generators Give You Power–Even When Your Utilities Fail

When your power goes out, your world goes dark. Not only will you not have lights but you can’t use your refrigerator, charge your phone, cool your house. A hurricane generator connects to your existing electrical system. The generator starts working when the power goes out. You won’t have to do anything to find and connect items to the generator. After the power company restores power, the generator shuts off. It will be a seamless transition.

A Smart Choice for Business and Home

Essential services like hospitals and data centers rely on generators for power. This technology is also a smart choice for home and business owners. No worry about “what if” the power goes. Business and life continue.

Generator Installation by a Professional is Important

When you choose to add a generator to your home or business, invest in the professional installation by an electrician. A hurricane generator is a big job. Any installation that involves electricity can be dangerous. It must be completed correctly to ensure safety. Plus, a professional installation means that you will feel confident your generator is ready when you need it.

Contact Power Up Electric to learn more about home generators. We will explain why it is a smart investment for Florida residents. Let us help you choose and install the right size of generator for your home or business. While hurricane season is inevitable, you don’t have to go through it without access to power.

You can count on honest experts and upfront pricing when you hire our electrician’s services. Give us a call today or contact us online.

What is a GFI outlet? https://powerupelectricsrq.com/2021/04/12/what-is-a-gfi-outlet/ Mon, 12 Apr 2021 14:37:03 +0000 https://powerupelectricsrq.com/?p=188 […]]]> What is a GFI (Ground Fault Interrupter) outlet?

GFI outlet protects you from experiencing an electrical shock. Because electricity constantly searches for the ground, you could be seriously or even fatally shocked if you find yourself in the middle. Accordingly, a GFI is built into an outlet or the device’s plug itself. The outlet constantly monitors how much power is going to the device. After the circuit is interrupted for any reason, the GFI immediately cuts the power to it.

To tell if an outlet has GFI, look for test and reset buttons. If the outlet has tripped and shut off the device, just hit the reset button to get it working again

How does a GFI outlet work?

If you’ve ever got an electrical shock, even a small one, you may be cautious when working with electricity. You don’t need to be an electrician to be at risk. Each year, there are news stories about the tragic accidents that can come from dropping hair dryers or other electronic devices into bathtubs. However, the advent of GFI outlets has majorly reduced the number of fatal electrocutions each year in the U.S.

When should you replace a GFI outlet?

Your GFI outlet can malfunction and it could put you at risk of a shock. When this happens, hire an electrician to test and replace the outlet. Replace your outlets around once a decade to compensate for the wear and tear they go through.

But how do you know if your outlet is working correctly? You don’t need to be an electrician to perform a quick check-up on your outlets.

Just hit the test button. It should light up or make a short beep to indicate it’s working. To confirm that it’s not just a glitch, press the reset button, then try the test button again. If the test button still doesn’t work, contact an electrician to talk about your replacement options.
